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Big gathering against the opening of a new detention centre “Le Caricole” in Steenokkerzeel, 18 December 2011 02:00 p.m Mehr
Big gathering against the opening of a new detention centre “Le Caricole” in Steenokkerzeel, 18 December 2011 02:00 p.m Mehr
Presseerklärung / PRO Asyl / 8.Dezember 2011 Die Innenministerkonferenz in Wiesbaden hat es vereinbart, dass eine Verlängerung der zum Jahresende auslaufenden Bleiberechtsregelung Mehr
the Minister of Immigration said. Dindar Najman told AKnews today the decision was made by a committee, headed by himself.
lost his life in a police pursuit in the border region of Evros on Thursday, December 1, 2011. The boy was found dead when the vehicle driven Mehr
deportation hearing taking place at the Central Foreigners Office, Am Blaubach 13,Köln.
The Central Foreigners Office (Z.A.B) Köln is one amongst notable institiutions that facilitate the traumatisation of refugees through abuses in the Mehr
The volume of illegal border crossings into the European Union has risen sharply this year, according to the EU’s border management agency Frontex. Mehr
Im Sommer 2010 hatte Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy der „Kriminalität den Krieg“ erklärt. Im Zuge dessen ließ er Roma-Siedlungen in Mehr
Ein Vorstoß der Grünen-Fraktion, erst im Frühjahr wieder Roma nach Serbien und Mazedonien abzuschieben, dürfte an der Mehr
numerous CMS activists and some volunteers from associations where there to observe.
This letter represents all the detainees who went on hunger strike, in block 10 Nicosia central prison from the 24/10/11 until the 3/11/11, which Mehr