Menschenrechtsausschuss der UN – 6. Bericht

Schlussfolgerungen aus den Berichten

Am 2. November legte der Menschenrechtsausschuss der UN seinen 6. Bericht über Deutschland vor und zog damit auch seine Schlussfolgerungen, aus den Berichten die von Seiten der Bundesregierung und verschiedener internationaler NGOs eingereicht wurden.

Im Bericht der Bundesregierung vom 10. Mai 2011 hiess es bezüglich der Situation der Flüchtlinge aus dem Balkan:

“53.          Regarding the fears of the Committee that Roma are being discriminated against in the practice of forced returns (concluding observations No. 21(b)), it should be noted that, as mandated by international standards, the nationality of an affected person (obligated to leave the country) is the only relevant factor for such returns and not, for example, ethnicity. For that reason, Germany does not have any statistical material that would show how many people from a certain ethnic group are returned to a country of origin; and it is therefore not possible to confirm that an above average number of people are affected.

54.           However, in the exceptional case of persons from Kosovo who are required to leave the country, ethnicity is recorded because these people required a different level of protection due to the armed conflict there, and are therefore returned according to the rules established between Germany and UNMIK, which apply their respective rules. In such cases, however, the people affected identify themselves as belonging to a certain ethnic group.”

Leider geht der Menschenrechtsausschuss in seiner abschliessenden Beurteilung nicht mehr spezifisch auf die Situation der Flüchtlinge ein, sondern hält lediglich fest:

„17. While noting the various measures taken by the State party to combat racism, the Committee is concerned at the persistence of racially-motivated incidents against members of the Jewish and Sinti and Roma communities as well as Germans of foreign origin and asylum seekers in the State party. The Committee is concerned about the persistent discrimination faced by members of the Sinti and Roma communities regarding access to housing, education, employment and healthcare (arts. 2, 18, 20, and 26).

 The State party should take concrete measures to increase the effectiveness of its legislation and to investigate all allegations of racially-motivated acts and to prosecute and punish those responsible. The State party should also strengthen its efforts to integrate members of the Sinti and Roma communities in Germany by firmly promoting their access to education, housing, employment and healthcare. The State party should further pursue its awareness-raising campaign and promote tolerance between communities.”

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