Refugee Summer Camp in Erfurt, Thueringen, Germany.

”Break Isolation – Refugee Summer Camp”, in Erfurt, Thueringen from 23rd August to 2nd September 2012

The VOICE Refugee Forum: Appeal for Support, Mobilize and Donation for the Break Isolation – Refugee Summer Camp in Erfurt, Thueringen, Germany.

As you all know, The VOICE Refugee Forum with the nationwide network of the Caravan-for the rights of refugees and migrants is organising a ”Break Isolation – Refugee Summer Camp”, in Erfurt, Thueringen from 23rd August to 2nd September 2012, in Solidarity against Colonial Injustice.

A political working camp, meetings and workshops will be taking place with different communities of migrants and refugees. We are calling on all self-organised and pro-refugee self organised activists, supporters, friends and antiracist campaigners to join us in the mobilization of refugees and migrants from the different regions and Lagers to this summer camp to continue and support our daily struggles against injustice and abuse of our rights, discrimination, societal and institutional racism.

We want to strengthen our solidarity and unity against colonial injustice. In Solidarity with the growing international movement against exploitation and oppression by the monster with its project FRONTEX. The FRONTEX is part of the paramilitary instruments to accelerate the pro colonial occupation and control of the refugee home countries and their borders from Europe, vigorously spear-headed by Germany that flaunts refugee isolation and exclusion camps, ‘gutschein’, ‘residenzpflicht’, police brutality and deportation as models for other European countries to adopt.

The summer camp will highlight refugee resistance in the face of intimidation in Germany and critically analyse the European war against migration as continuity of colonial heritage of exploitation, vandalism and brutality in our home countries,  Protest the racism of the German state institutions!

The campaigns against deportation collaboration will be part of manifestation and input in the Summer Camp. This will connect the various forms of the execution of deportations by the German State and the collaborative institutions, both on the federal and local authorities, with the non governmental institutions and corporate agencies, including the collaboration of the refugee embassies and their home countries.

The Power of protest and resistance, It is happening!

In October 2011, It was like part of our engagement to call for the Break Isolation Camp that would take place in August 2012 in Thueringen and it was going to be the first and only refugee camp in Germany this year but when the Iranian refugees from Wurzburg started their tent protest in March this year and the same striking refugees are spreading the protest to other cities and towns in Germany till now, “we gotta realize that more camps are on the move to the refugee summer camp in Erfurt”, emphasized Osaren Igbinoba.

The Refugee Summer Camp will host exhibitions and films of refugee protests and discussions with the participants of the Protest Tent strikes and other Iranian refugees from Wurzburg and elsewhere, where the strikes have spread.

Refugee protest actions will be discussed.

Mobilize, Organize and Donate for the Break-Isolation Camp in Thueringen: Please inform refugees and migrants in your neighbourhood and beyond to join us for the camp.

For a successful nationwide mobilization, documentation and transportation cost for refugees and migrants‘ activists within and outside Germany we urgently need your financial support and donations also for the camp infrastructural in Erfurt.

Link to the Central Call and in other languages: Deutsch, Cagri Türkce, call English, Farsi, Appel Francais, Arabic >>

Check for updated informations as we get closer to the events of the Break Isolation Refugee Summer Camp in August. For those supporters and activists who are not affiliated with the Caravan network please download more information on the refugee struggles in Germany from our web site  

Donations for The Break Isolation Camp:
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Kto.-Nr. 140061
Sparkasse Göttingen
BLZ: 260 500 01
Stichwort: Break Isolation Camp

Kontakt: The VOICE Refugee Forum,
Schillergaesschen 5, 07745 Jena,
Tel.: ++49 (0) 176 24568898,

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