Protocol for Nigerian Embassy deportation Hearing in Köln 22.11.11‏

About 20 Activist assembled on Tuesday 22.11.11 at 8am to protest the Nigerian Embassy

deportation hearing taking place at the Central Foreigners Office, Am Blaubach 13,Köln.

The Central Foreigners Office (Z.A.B) Köln is one amongst notable institiutions that facilitate the traumatisation of refugees through abuses in the likes of country embassy identification of the Victims for deportation. This protest is in line with „The Voice Refugee Forum“ commitment to expose all deportation collaboration of country embassy with the Nigerian embassy playing the leading role.

With active support from Activist of „Autonomy Zentrum“ and other persons and groups in Köln, an intention to begin with a community breakfast was interrupted as the Police in suspicion approached the gathering to question our agenda. The police tried their usual threat of penalty and telephone parade but the Activist expressed their determination of of no fear as they themselves were informed of the legal basis of such actions.

In a bid to avoid unnecessary distraction as the Police would like it, the activist unanounimously agreed on a spontanous registration but the responsible Officials still went further to petition the availability of Banner at the Venue. Amongst 22 refugees invited for that day, less than 10 refugees within Bayern and Rheinland Pfalz appeared for the excercise.

Participating refugees were informed on the basis of the invitation to the hearing and advised on possibilities to save themselves from deportation.
We hereby call on Refugees and Activists to support the planned protest action at the Nigerian Embasssy premises for  its leading role in country embassy deportation collaboration.

The Nigerian Embassy is known for its monthly mobile deportation hearing in different German Cities and we are commited to protest their presence at any possible hearing.

The preparatory meeting for the Berlin Action is expected to take place in Stuttgart on a date that is yet to be decided. Refugee support groups should endeavour to mobilise refugees in their region for this action as the fight against one deportation affects all.
The Voice Baden Württemberg
Böblingerstr 105
70199 Heslach-Stuttgart
Tel.: 017627873832

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