Abschiebung nach Gambia
Since 3 weeks there has been several incidences ranging from 2 suicide attempt from a Turkish and Indian Refugees. One brutal deportation of a Gambian(lamin) to cover up judicial misconduct of the State Persecutor and the massive threats of deportation through the terror mechanism of the Foreign Office in the name of the Regierumspraesidium (although the Regierumsprasidiums Boss had denied that responsibility during a delegation discussion with him on Friday in Karlsruhe).
Refugees in the Schwabisch Gmuend have taken to camping in front of the Rathaus after an Indian Refugee attempted suicide and was taken away by the ambulance.
We cannot Waite to see ourselves in this situation anymore but demand the Immidiate closure of the Lager and the right for dignified accomodation rather than living in the Lager.